Learning how to tell time is part of elementary math lessons. Just as you need to know how to add and subtract, you also need to know how to tell time on a clock. Clocks with numbers and hands are called analog clocks, and clocks with just numbers are called digital clocks. While it can seem tricky to figure out how to tell time with analog clocks, once you learn this skill, you'll always be able to know what time it is.
Lesson plans will take you through the process of understanding how analog clocks work. You'll learn about how the small hand tells you the hour and the big hand tells you the minutes past the hour. Each hour is divided into 60 minutes, and each minute is divided into 60 seconds. As the minute hand moves slowly around the clock, it shows you the number of minutes past the hour and the number of minutes until the next hour.
Lesson Plan: Telling Time: This lesson plan helps you learn how to tell time to the nearest hour and half-hour with both analog and digital clocks.
Telling Time to the Minute: A Co-Teaching Lesson Plan: Go through this lesson plan to learn how to tell time to the minute.
Math: What Time Is It?: Knowing how to tell time in five-minute intervals is the theme of this lesson plan.
Time: Telling and Asking for the Time: After you complete this lesson, you'll know how to answer someone when they ask you what time it is.
Telling Time Lesson Plan: Once you learn the basics of telling time on an analog clock, you'll be able to read a clock in just a second or two.
Telling Time: This lesson plan helps you learn how to tell the hour, half-hour, quarter-hour, and minute on both digital and analog clocks.
Telling Time Lesson: Knowing how to tell time to the quarter-hour involves counting by fives until you get to 15 and 45, which are a quarter past and a quarter to the hour.
Telling Time: Teacher-Created Lesson Plan: After you learn the basics of telling time, you'll also need to learn how to write the time.
Telling Time Lesson Plans: Teaching Students to Tell Time: This lesson gives you a few word problems that will test how much you know about telling time.
Show Me the Time: Practice looking at clocks and telling the time so you can do this within a few seconds of seeing the clock.
After you finish a few lessons about telling time, you might try playing games that help you really understand this new skill. Learning time doesn't have to be dull or boring when you play games. Some games and activities are printable, while others can be played online.
Printable Time-Telling Game: Print out this game to practice how to tell time.
Telling Time Game: Play this storytelling game by building your own clock and telling stories that involve time.
Learn to Tell Time Game: This game allows you to practice your time-telling skills.
Five-Minute-Interval Paper Plate Clock: Make a clock out of paper plates and then practice telling time in five-minute intervals.
Telling Time Outdoor Activity: Try drawing a huge clock outside on the sidewalk and making hands out of toy shovels or golf clubs to practice your time-telling skills.
Learn to Tell the Time Clock Craft: Follow the instructions in this crafting project to make a clock with a paper towel tube.
Clockworks Online Game: The race is on to set the time on as many clocks as you can before time runs out!
Telling Time Activities for Kids That Are Fun and Effective: These activities are not only fun, but they can also help you learn how to tell time.
Tic-Tac-Toe Free Printable Telling Time Game: Print out this game that is based on tic-tac-toe. This is a grat option for rainy days when playing on playground equipment isn't an option.
Worksheets are another great tool to help you learn how to tell time. Worksheets might include blank clocks with times below each clock: You'll need to draw in the hands on each clock to make them match the times. You might also have worksheets with hands on clocks where you have to write the times for each clock.
Measurement: Telling Time: This packet of worksheets is suitable for kids in second grade who are learning to tell time.
Telling Time: One-Minute Intervals: Use this worksheet to practice telling time at one-minute intervals.
Telling Time: Read each clock on this worksheet and write the right time underneath.
Telling Time: Half-Hour: This worksheet gives you times to the half-hour, which you need to write under each clock.
Time Assessment: These clocks show times in five-minute intervals, and you have to read and write each time.
Telling Time: Whole Hours: Use this worksheet when you're just beginning to learn how to tell time. It gives you times to the hour.
Telling Time Worksheet: Look at each clock showing the time to the hour, and write the right time below.
What Time Is It? Write the right time below each clock on this page.
Telling Time Worksheets: Circle the clock that tells the correct time for each problem.
Math Worksheet: Read each clock and write the right time below it.
Match the Times: Print out this worksheet and draw lines between each clock face and the digital times that match.
Telling the Time: Draw in the hands on each clock to make the clocks match the times below.
Reading Time on Analog Clocks: Print this worksheet that gives you analog clocks in one-hour intervals to label with the correct times.
One of the best ways to learn to tell time is with a printable clock. Print out a clock and you can use it to practice your time-telling skills. You might even make a set of paper hands that you attach to the clock face with a metal brad. Then, you can move the hands around to make the clock show different times.
Tell the Time Clock Free Printable: Print out this clock and add hands so you can practice telling time.
Blank Clock Face: This blank clock face will help you practice your time-telling skills.
Clock Faces to Use When Learning to Tell the Time: There are different clocks to print here: a blank one, a clock with numbered hours, and a clock with both hours and minutes.
Clock Face Images: Print Your Own: This page has several different clock faces from which to choose for printing.
Full-Scale Adjustable Clock Face Template Generator: This website allows you to set the size, font, numbers, and hands before printing out a clock face.
Blank Printable Clock Faces: Print out this worksheet that has rows of blank clock faces.
Free Printable Clock Face for Kids: Print out this clock face and then finish it by adding hands. Thisis an especially helpful activity for school-age children; make it more fun by having them tell the times of their favorite activities, like art and playground time.
Blank Clock Face: This printable gives you a numbered clock face and hands to cut out and add to the clock.
Find more about the author: Kim Hart