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A School's Reference Guide for Learning to Tell Time

Learning how to tell time is part of elementary math lessons. Just as you need to know how to add and subtract, you also need to know how to tell time on a clock. Clocks with numbers and hands are called analog clocks, and clocks with just numbers are called digital clocks. While it can seem tricky to figure out how to tell time with analog clocks, once you learn this skill, you'll always be able to know what time it is.

Time-Telling Lesson Plans for Teachers and Parents

Lesson plans will take you through the process of understanding how analog clocks work. You'll learn about how the small hand tells you the hour and the big hand tells you the minutes past the hour. Each hour is divided into 60 minutes, and each minute is divided into 60 seconds. As the minute hand moves slowly around the clock, it shows you the number of minutes past the hour and the number of minutes until the next hour.

Time-Telling Games and Activities

After you finish a few lessons about telling time, you might try playing games that help you really understand this new skill. Learning time doesn't have to be dull or boring when you play games. Some games and activities are printable, while others can be played online.

Time-Telling Math Worksheets and Games

Worksheets are another great tool to help you learn how to tell time. Worksheets might include blank clocks with times below each clock: You'll need to draw in the hands on each clock to make them match the times. You might also have worksheets with hands on clocks where you have to write the times for each clock.

Printable Clocks and Watches for Time-Telling

One of the best ways to learn to tell time is with a printable clock. Print out a clock and you can use it to practice your time-telling skills. You might even make a set of paper hands that you attach to the clock face with a metal brad. Then, you can move the hands around to make the clock show different times.

Find more about the author: Kim Hart

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