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Guide to Understanding CPSC Safety

Commercial Grade and National Safety Standards and Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Guidelines

Children love playgrounds, but there is risk inherent to all types of physical play. Thousands of children are injured on the playground each year and many of these injuries are the result of preventable risks created by playground equipment. Playground owners and managers can minimize avoidable risks and liability by keeping commercial grade equipment properly maintained and compliant with national safety guidelines. One great resource for playground administrators is the CPSC's Playground Safety resources.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission is a federal agency that protects consumers from injury and death resulting from unreasonable risks created by consumer products. They provide information on recalls and hazardous products. This agency also provides safety education guidelines for the proper use of consumer products, and playground equipment safety is one of their areas of jurisdiction. As part of their playground safety resources, they provide a comprehensive safety handbook. The CPSC Playground Safety Handbook sets detailed guidelines for public playground safe practices. It covers: general considerations, hazards, equipment types, and equipment maintenance. It also provides a general safety checklist and equipment testing instructions. The CPSC playground guide is clear and easy to understand with step by step instructions, examples, and illustrations.

It is vital to have up-to-date knowledge of CPSC playground safety guidelines. Be sure that you have the most recent version of the guidelines as they are revised every few years to reflect changes in commercial playground equipment trends and changing safety standards based on new data and expert recommendations. Many of these studies and statistics are available on their website for those interested in additional in-depth study on playground safety. The current CPSC Playground Safety Handbook is available online for immediate perusal or you can order a hard copy from their website. Each new update clearly notes what revisions have been made since the last edition.

Many city and state regulations for playgrounds are based on the CPSC's national safety standards for public playgrounds so it is a great resource for ensuring that your playground is up to local codes. Generally, such regulations will apply to all playgrounds that are accessible to the public. These regulations are not limited only to public playgrounds, but may include playgrounds that are part of private childcare facilities, churches, or building complexes. Always check your local regulations to determine the exact requirements for your playground. For additional maintenance tips, consult a detailed playground safety checklist and keep up to date on potential product recalls for your playground's specific equipment and surfacing.

CPSC provides other valuable information on commercial grade playground equipment maintenance and safety. You'll find advice on spotting and minimizing risk for different types of popular playground equipment. They also provide detailed information on common playground dangers. Learn how to prevent common playground injuries like burns from hot playground equipment or how to identify hazardous materials like lead paint. You can even download safety alert posters that you can use in your neighborhood that feature common playground injuries and preventative measures. CPSC also provides additional tools and resources to help you educate your community about playground and play time safety procedures.

AAA State of Play provides reliable commercial grade playground equipment that meets all current safety regulations. Shop our online store for a wide selection of quality playground equipment and accessories. You can buy safety playground surfacing, shade structures, safety borders and more. We pride ourselves on our top notch customer service and industry-leading knowledge. We're happy to answer any questions about our equipment and its compliance with CPSC guidelines. We also offer speedy delivery on your purchase and help with installation.

Find more about the author: Kim Hart

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