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Have Fun and Celebrate Earth Day

Every year on April 22, Earth Day arrives to help people remember how important it is to take care of our planet. Celebrating Earth Day can be a lot of fun, especially if you plan some games and activities that help you learn about Earth and the environment. You can also get out there and do something to help take care of the planet yourself: Even something as simple as picking up trash alongside the road you live on can help make the world a better place.


The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970. Sen. Gaylord Nelson had the idea for a national day for people to learn about the environment. He shared his idea with the media to get the word out, and rallies were planned across the country to get people thinking about some of the environmental issues that people were becoming aware of. People were just starting to realize the dangers of things like pollution, pesticides, deforestation, and oil spills. That first Earth Day helped push the government to pass laws like the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act to help protect the environment. In 1990, Earth Day was made into a global event to shine a spotlight on environmental issues that affect everyone around the world. Earth Day continues to be a worldwide event today, and people are encouraged to stop and think about how they can do their part to protect Earth and fight for the environment.

Online Games

Whether you're celebrating Earth Day on April 22 or just thinking about it on any other day, you can learn all about this holiday by playing online games. These games are free to play, and they can help you learn about the environment and how to take care of it while having fun at the same time.

Learn About Our World

Earth is the third planet away from the sun, and it's the fifth-biggest planet in our solar system. Earth is special because it's the only planet we know of that can support life, and it's the home of millions of different plant and animal species. Earth has an atmosphere surrounding it, which protects it from the sun's rays and keeps oxygen, water, and heat where we need it. About 70 percent of Earth is covered with water. The rest of Earth's surface is filled with land forms such as canyons, mountains, valleys, and plains. Earth goes around the sun once about every 365 days, which makes one year. About every 24 hours, Earth rotates on its axis, making day and night.

Earth Day Crafts

When Earth Day comes, you can get into the spirit of the day by doing a few Earth Day craft projects. It's even better if your projects involve reusing things that were going to be thrown away, as this helps keep trash out of landfills. Look for ways to use things like old CDs, egg cartons, or newspapers and magazines. When you're done, you could give away your craft projects to others as Earth Day gifts.

Earth Day Activities

Plan activities with your friends and family to celebrate our planet. You could pack a picnic to enjoy time outdoors in a park. Go for a long walk to get exercise and look around at nature. You might even throw a green party: Serve vegan foods, and use either biodegradable plates and utensils or ones that you can wash and reuse.

What Can You Do?

If you're looking for ways to make a difference for the environment, you're in luck. There are tons of Earth Day activities that can have a positive impact on the environment. Plan a trash pick-up party. Plant a tree or a garden in your yard. Ride your bike somewhere instead of having your parents drive you. Start a compost pile in your backyard. Or buy a reusable water bottle that you can refill instead of buying bottled drinks.

More Earth Day Ideas

Once you get started celebrating Earth Day, you might have so much fun that you decide to keep going. Why not make every day Earth Day? Make a commitment to picking up trash in your neighborhood. Recycle and repurpose as many things as you can. And look for ways you can cut down on the amount of trash you create every day.

Find more about the author: Kim Hart

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