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Playground Equipment for Sale - AAA State of Play

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Intermediate Freestanding Playground Gym

Special Price $8,467.00
Regular Price $11,006.00 You Save 23% ($2,539.00) We Price Match!
Age Group:

  • Allows up to six users to work out simultaneously
  • Made from durable, weather-resistant materials
  • Facilitates four different types of exercises
  • Great for core and upper body workouts
  • COMPLIES With:

    ASTM F1487-17
    CPSC PUB #325

  • Availability

    10-14 weeks

  • Ship Freight

    This is packaged too large for UPS, FedEx, or USPS. A freight trailer is up to 53 feet long. Unload by hand with 2 - 3 people. Contact us for details.

  • Product Warranty

    100 year limited warranty on metal upright posts, 15 year warranty on metal parts, 5 year warranty on moving parts and cables, 3 year warranty on plastic parts, 1 year warranty on all other parts.

    View Full Warranty

Product Description

Body weight training is a great, self-paced method of exercise that requires no heavy plates or resistance. The Intermediate Freestanding Playground Gym facilitates a variety of body weight exercises, including chin-ups, ladder climbing, sit-ups, and dips. The chin-up bar features a few different grip bars, which allow for different types of strength exercise to be performed by the user. The exercise ladder is around eight feet in height, and has a pair of curved bars on the top so that users can either climb up and down or attempt pull ups at the top. Three bench seats form a semi-circle around the Intermediate Playground Gym that can be used for resting or to help reach the chin-up bar. The dip station allows users to work out their biceps and triceps, while the padded back helps to give a nice resting place in between sets of dips. Lastly, the sit-up bench is great for both beginners and experienced users. The two footholds allow the user to modulate the difficulty of their sit-ups, and ultimately get a workout that’s suited to them individually.

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