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Life Advice from 38 Anime Characters

Life Advice from 38 Anime Characters - - Infographic

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Anime is the Japanese term for animation, which encompasses all forms of animated media. Outside of Japan, anime generally refers to the Japanese animated style that is characterized by lively characters, whimsical and fantastical themes, and vibrant graphics. Of course, the variety of themes, styles, and settings portrayed in Japanese anime is astounding; there is truly something for everyone! Japanese anime movies and Japanese anime television shows are beloved by many, offering entertainment, wisdom, and joy to children and adults alike. Studio Ghibli movies, Naruto, Pokemon, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Attack on Titan are just a few of Japanese animated shows and movies that have captivated audiences of all ages. Each one offers a unique, refreshing world with memorable characters and compelling storylines. There are plenty of inspirational quotes woven throughout anime TV shows and movies. You will find love quotes, life quotes, and motivational quotes in the most unexpected and fantastic situations. Here is a sampling of wise words and life advice from iconic anime characters.

Find more about the author: Kim Hart

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