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Kids' Outdoor Fitness Guide Using Playground Equipment

In today's world, kids spend a lot of time on screens like phones and TVs. This can lead to less physical activity, which isn't good for our health. That's why it's super-important to get outside, be active, and enjoy some fresh air. Playgrounds and parks are perfect places for this. They offer many fun ways to play, move, and make friends. And you can bring the whole family to get healthy exercise together on the playground: Even adults can find ways to work out and stay healthy by using playground equipment.

Benefits of Outdoor Play

Outdoor play is great for your body and mind. Running, jumping, and climbing on playground equipment gets your heart pumping, giving it a workout that helps it to stay strong. Swinging, climbing, or playing sports can also use lots of different muscles in your body, exercising them so that they can grow and get stronger. Playing on the playground can also improve your coordination and balance. When you're active, you also keep a healthy weight, which is important as you grow up. Getting lots of exercise increases your metabolism, which means that it gets better at using the energy that comes from the food you eat.

Playing outside isn't just good for your body, though. It helps you feel better, too. Spending time in nature can reduce stress and make you feel calm. Just smelling the grass or flowers or feeling the sun on your skin can help you relax! Playing on the playground can also make you happier because you can play with friends. In fact, you might even make new friends, and you'll be able to get better at things like working as a team and taking turns while you play.

Playgrounds and Playground Equipment for Fitness

Playgrounds are full of equipment that makes exercise fun. Monkey bars help build upper body strength, while climbing walls or ropes improve your strength and coordination. You can even create your own workout by moving through different pieces of equipment. Try climbing up a rock wall, running to the monkey bars, then doing some pull-ups. Your family can also work with you to come up with your own fitness course using the equipment on the playground. You could then challenge each other to see who can finish the course the fastest!

You can also try bringing other types of fun onto the playground for your friends or your family. For instance, you could set up a scavenger hunt where the players have to run around and find different things that you've hidden on the playground. Or you could give everyone a list of tasks they have to do to win the game, like "swing ten times," "slide down the spiral slide," "climb up the net climber," and "play a song on the chimes."

Safety Tips for Outdoor Play

While playing outside is great, it's important to stay safe while you're doing it. Always have an adult nearby to watch and help you if needed. Be careful not to run into the street or chase balls into dangerous areas; if a toy you're playing with gets away from you, ask an adult for help getting it back. You should also remember that you're playing outside, meaning that you should do the things you'd normally do to stay safe when you're playing and when you're outside. That means drinking plenty of water, especially if it's hot out, wearing sunscreen to keep from getting sunburned, and taking breaks when you get tired.

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Kelly Robbins-Cripe photo

Kelly Robbins-Cripe

Kelly has been a CPSI-certified playground inspector for several years. Her passion for play and attention to detail bring immense value to every playground she brings to life, and with her years of experience, every playground she visits is made better for her having been there. In her leisure time, Kelly enjoys spending time with her family.

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