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Playground Equipment for Sale - AAA State of Play

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Playground Inspection Tool Kit

$650.00 We Price Match!

  • Includes variety of useful instruments
  • Bag allows easy transportation of tools
  • Helps keep playgrounds safe
  • Useful mix of traditional and playground-specific tools
  • Availability

    3-4 weeks


    This product is usually packaged for UPS, FedEx, or USPS. Contact us for specific details.

  • Product Warranty

    100 year limited warranty on metal upright posts, 15 year warranty on metal parts, 5 year warranty on moving parts and cables, 3 year warranty on plastic parts, 1 year warranty on all other parts.

    View Full Warranty

Product Description

When it comes to playgrounds, safety is of the utmost importance. Ensuring children are injury-free when at play is just as important as ensuring they’re carefree, and with a Playground Inspection Tool Kit, you can take the reins of playground safety. This kit features all the essential tools used by Certified Playground Inspectors, including:

  • Tool Kit Carrying Bag: Helps easily transport tools from one place to another.
  • 2” x 2” Flat Surface Criteria: This tool helps inspectors identify and assess small, potentially hazardous irregularities on playground surfaces. The size is significant because it represents a size that could potentially cause a tripping hazard.
  • Level: Simple yet effective tool for playground inspectors to assess surface levelness, verify equipment installation, ensure accessibility, evaluate drainage, and ultimately enhance the safety of the play area.
  • Measuring Tape: Measuring tapes are used to verify that playground equipment and safety surfacing meet specific size requirements that include fall heights, safety zones, clearances, and accessibility.
  • Slide Radius and Length Gauge: This helps inspectors verify that the slide's curves and length meet safety standards and manufacturer specifications that include radius curvature and slide length.
  • Angle Finder: Allows inspectors to accurately measure and assess angles on playground equipment and surfaces, mainly used for slide slopes and climbing components.
  • Neoprene Rods and Gap Gauge: Used for testing hazards: Neoprene rods, which are flexible and have a specific hardness, are used to simulate a child's body part in potential crush and shear points. Inspectors insert the rods into these areas to see if there's enough space to prevent injury.
  • Hand Grip Template: Many playground activities, like climbing or swinging, rely on children being able to maintain a secure grip. Hand grip templates help inspectors ensure that the handles and bars on playground equipment are the correct size and shape.
  • Partially Bound Opening Probe: Measures openings in playground equipment that have at least one side or portion open, like a U or V shape. They can be tricky because while they might seem safe, they can pose a risk of head and neck entrapment. Often called “The Fish Probe.”
  • Projection Gauges: These four gauges measure projections of different sizes that stick out, like bolts, screws, or sharp edges. These protrusions can pose a risk of injury.
  • Head Probe: This probe is specifically designed to mimic the size and shape of a child's head and assess the risk of head entrapment in playground equipment.
  • Torso Probe: The primary goal of a torso probe is to determine if there are openings or spaces in playground equipment where a child's torso could become trapped.

With this wide array of tools at your disposal, you can help make your playground a safer, more inviting place for kids to play on for years to come.

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