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Six Activity Panels that Kids Will Love

Types of Panels

Early childhood is proven to be a crucial and formative time period. Since every child learns differently, it’s imperative to teach them in their preferred way. Children can be visual learners, some can be inspired by music and sound while others are tactile learners. That is why we provide a wide range of learning walls that can help children grow and develop in their own way. Our diverse selection of activity panels can be used at preschools, daycares, nurseries, churches, and more. Here are some of the options you can find on our website:


Music panels are a superb tactile and sensory activity that can help children develop their auditory systems while encouraging creative thinking. Aspiring musicians can compose original songs with the diverse set of musical panels offered. Kids can gather around and dance for a rockin’ good time with drums or chime sets.


Paint panels offer a canvas for young artists to draw and color to their heart's content. This allows kids to express themselves and their emotions without the use of words and can serve as a relaxing exercise. Painting and drawing help develop a child’s hand-eye coordination as well and can teach them about shapes and patterns.

Free Play

Encourage imaginative play and create new worlds with open play panels. Young entrepreneurs can run their business through the Store Front Panel while others can race the Indy 500 behind the wheel of a driving panel. Imaginary play encourages children to think about different viewpoints, developing empathy and allowing them to discover new interests.


Kids can play Tic Tac Toe with friends or take turns playing with Plinko panels. These games are excellent ways for children to socialize and make new friends while engaging in healthy competition and learning new strategies to win.


Young children can learn their ABCs and even sign language through informative panels, giving them an advantage when they go back to the classroom. We offer bilingual and sign language panels to help children learn multiple languages. This can help further improve critical thinking skills, reasoning, and encourages socialization.


Designed to introduce kids to early-level math, these panels allow children to build a strong foundation that can help them in the classroom. The panels help children identify and write numbers, count, and perform simple and quick calculations. Through repetition, kids can learn to recognize patterns that can help them excel with more complex math later in their schooling.

Find more about the author: Kim Hart

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