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Teacher and Parent Playground Guides and Checklists

Outdoor playgrounds have always been an important part of childhood. Not only do they provide children with limitless entertainment in terms of fun, but they are also beneficial for the physical fitness of youth. With the popularity of video games, more kids than ever are playing with their friends indoors. While some games are more physical than others, they do not, for the most part, provide the type of exercise that comes from playing outdoors.

Playgrounds are a great way for younger kids to get fresh air, play in the sun and exercise their major muscle groups. Most playgrounds have a variety of play equipment to keep children active and happy for hours at a time. Not only does the constant running and playing promote physical fitness, but the social nature of playgrounds encourages children to meet and make new friends. Unfortunately, despite their positive benefits, there are a number of ways in which playgrounds can be dangerous for kids as well. It is up to parents, teachers and other adult guardians to ensure the safety of these play areas not only for the children in their care, but for all children. Using a playground safety checklist to perform routine maintenance examinations is a great way to ensure the safety of children using the playground equipment.

For teachers, they are responsible for ensuring that the playground equipment in their school yards is safe for a large group of kids to play on. Often teachers and schools will have a playground and outdoor safety checklist of things to look for to ensure that there are no maintenance issues that could cause their charges to fall, scratch or otherwise injure themselves as they play. This playground safety inspection checklist typically includes checking bolts and screws, looking for areas of rust on metal equipment and splinters on wooden items. They may check for equipment that is not functioning properly or that is broken. Teachers, parents, and guardians can use a playground safety checklist for daycares, schools, parks, and many other recreational spaces. Checklists may also remind them to check the areas surrounding the equipment to ensure that there are no dangerous plants, sharp objects hidden or animal waste that kids may step or play in. They may be required to check certain items daily, weekly, and monthly. Parents may also use checklists of their own. When parents do use a playground and outdoor safety checklist it is typically for their home playground equipment or when taking their children to playgrounds at parks or other public areas. Although checking equipment will not guarantee that a child will not hurt his or herself, it can prevent children from encountering many types of easily avoidable injuries.

Playground guides are also useful for parents and teachers. Guides are filled with information and tips that adults should follow when taking their children to play on outdoor equipment. School guides will often outline what the teacher's role is on the playground and how they can teach playground safety to their students. In addition, a playground guide for a teacher may also provide instructions on how to best handle situations that may arise while children are playing, such as injuries for example. School playground guides and playground safety checklists will vary from one school to another and will typically include the guidelines for the school and district. They may also outline what teachers should and shouldn't do when taking kids to public playgrounds to play.

The purpose of playground guides for parents is typically to provide safety advice. Like a playground safety inspection checklist they will review the things that parents should look for when taking their kids to play on playground equipment at the park as well as other areas. Some playground guides may even include printable childcare playground safety checklists for parents to take with them. Additionally, they will also discuss the importance of adult supervision at all times and what children should and should not be allowed to do while playing. The information and warnings included in these guides are often backed up by statistics regarding injuries to children who are unsupervised or who are allowed to use unsafe equipment.

Playground Guides and Safety Tips

Playground Checklists

Find more about the author: Kim Hart

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