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What is the Most Popular Playground Equipment?

From swings to slides to spring riders, commercial playground equipment can come in many different shapes and sizes. However, the following five types of commercial playground equipment tend to be the most popular equipment included in outdoor play areas. They are time-tested attractions for kids of all ages. Keep reading for more information about these iconic play products.

#5: Swings

Swings have a storied legacy, and have appeared across the world throughout various historical periods. The earliest depiction of what we now know as a swing set comes from the Minoan civilization around 1450 B.C. Although a full swing set from this era has never been unearthed, the small-scale models from that time have illuminated that historical swing sets were, at least in concept, not that different from modern commercial swing sets. Today, playground swings are not only popular amongst children - teens and adults also get a kick out of this timeless piece of equipment. There are different types of swings, such as tire swings, nest swings, and safety-centric adaptive swings, but most typically consist of a seat attached to an overhead frame by chains or rope.


#4: Slides

Located in daycares, schools, and parks around the world, slides have been a mainstay on playgrounds for at least over a century. Playground slides started cropping up in the early 20th century, and were a natural fit for high-energy children of the time. Early slides bore nicknames that were very much a product of the times, including “Helter Skelter” (inspired by the eponymous slide found on Coney Island), as well as “Slide, Kelly, Slide”, a reference to America’s first “pop hit” record. Nowadays, there are various types of playground slides to choose from, such as straight, wave, embankment, tunnel slides. With so many options to liven up your commercial playground, slides are a great way to spruce up your outdoor site.


#3: Climbers

Monkey bars, rock climbers, stepping pebbles, jungle gyms: all of these are different types of climbers, which thrill and delight scores of playground-going children each year. Children have been climbing trees and other upright outdoor elements for centuries, but the invention of playground climbing equipment is more recent. For instance, the first jungle gym as well as the first set of monkey bars were invented in 1920, and patented by Sebastian Hinton in Chicago. The initial patent highlights the “monkey instinct” of children who use the equipment, and this continues to be seen in modern playground climbing equipment. Kids always have that fun urge to mount and climb on things, which is why climbers of all shapes and sizes continue to be a popular option for playgrounds across the world.


#2: Merry-Go-Rounds

Also known as a playground roundabout, this piece of commercial playground equipment takes on multiple forms, and features a range of capacities. The appeal of playground merry-go-rounds is the exhilarating feeling of spinning, and they’re great for socializing with friends and other kids on the playground.


#1: Spring Riders

Spring riders appeal mainly to smaller children, but remain a popular product for any commercial playground. Spring riders typically take the shape of a vehicle or animal, and are characterized by the fun, creative themes they bear.


There are all sorts of options that can be a perfect match for any outdoor area. Shop our selection of independent play equipment or playground sets and talk to a sales representative for a quote.

Find more about the author: Kim Hart

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