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Playground Equipment for Sale - AAA State of Play

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What You'll Need For PE and Gym Equipment

Our commercial-grade school sports equipment has been designed to be used in parks, playgrounds, gyms, and athletic fields, and it can withstand the abuse of players engaged in high-energy and important sporting events like playoffs. With our commercial sports equipment for kids, you can rest easy knowing that our equipment is built tough to endure frequent use in parks and on play structures. Give the patrons of your playground an extra layer of protection when you purchase commercial equipment online with us that’s safe, sturdy, and reliable!

At AAA State of Play, we know that every child is unique and has different needs. We take pride in offering sports equipment for schools that caters to a variety of ages and capabilities. In many cases, you’ll be able to find the same type of equipment for children of different levels of fitness and agility. Since our equipment needs to last in the rough-and-tumble world of sports, we take special care to offer some of the most durable products on the market. This choice gives you the ability to invest in sporting equipment that can be used for many years to come, which can present you with significant savings if yours is a business with a tight bottom line, if you work for a nonprofit agency, or if you are responsible for buying equipment for schools.

We’re known for providing stellar playground equipment to the public, but we also offer outdoor sporting equipment for adults. We realize that sports can be the bond that brings communities and families together, and we take measures to ensure that people of all ages can enjoy them. In some ways, you could say that both heads and hearts are protected when using our outdoor sports equipment.

Start your search for great sports equipment today. Begin by using the filters on our website to narrow down your choices of appropriate kids’ sports equipment to buy. Browse our inventory by age group, price, or manufacturer. If you’re still deciding on a sport to pursue with your organization, consider using the icons next to our selection of merchandise for an easy way to navigate and comparison-shop. With the click of a button, you’ll be able to see how costly equipment for each sport is and be better able to make a decision regarding your budget for recreational activities. Regardless of your chosen method of browsing, it won’t take long before you’re presented with school sports equipment that fits your needs like a glove. Purchase our equipment online with confidence; we take all of the necessary precautions to keep your information safe. Contact our customer service team today for help with selecting sports equipment or suggestions of which sports to consider for your organization, business, or school. We’re here to help you reach your goal of increasing community fun at an affordable price.

Is Physical Education Important?


Of course! Regular exercise does not only improve physical health, it has also been associated with the following:

  • Higher grades and test scores
  • Better overall cognitive function
  • Energy balance
  • Better sleep
  • Increased productivity
  • Reduced anxiety and depression

It is vital that educators introduce as much physical activity into a child's schedule as possible. Youth should spend 60 minutes each day doing something active. A physical education curriculum helps keep programs consistent by setting national standards curated by the department of health and allowing physical education teachers to be creative about meeting those standards. School districts and educators can come together to create lesson plans that directly benefit the kids in their schools and help them stay active.

We all have fond memories of our PE classes from kindergarten all the way through high school. It’s typically a favorite subject among kids and provides some of the most memorable fun. Physical education programs also provide great teaching moments for kids. They can not only learn the rules of the game but also learn more about teamwork or their talents and abilities. Team building and socialization are other great benefits to providing a health-centered curriculum. Gym class is a place where school students can truly be kids, interacting with peers and making new friends. AAA State of Play has a variety of kids fitness equipment for classic gym class activities including:

  • Dodgeball
  • Scooter Hockey
  • Kickball
  • Hurdles
  • Soft Polo
  • Hula Hoop

At AAA State of Play, we are dedicated to offering you the highest quality commercial-grade products at the most affordable prices. We have a wide selection of products from multiple manufacturers to give buyers the best possible options. Search above for various types of balls, games, indoor sports sets, scooters and so much more. They are perfect for K-12 physical education.

Clientele, Layout, & Maintenance

Before selecting equipment, think about who the primary users of your gym will be. The fitness industry requires that the needs and wants of your client base be accounted for in order to have a successful launch and draw repeat business. Depending on your expected group(s), some types of exercise might be sought out more than others. A gym for student-athletes can look quite different from one built to cater to casual exercisers, for example, as their fitness levels are going to require different equipment.

Regardless of your user base, some needs will be universal. The interior should be well lit, both to be visually attractive as well as minimize the likelihood of injuries. Ease of navigation within a large room should also be a top priority, as a gym needs more open space than other types of businesses. This is due to the large number of people engaging in a wide range of physical motions. And you can’t risk these activities interfering with each other because of avoidable overcrowding. Consider outlining the spacing on paper before purchasing equipment. Plot out the location of each exercise category and brainstorm how these zones can be kept visually distinct from each other. Also critical is the fostering of a positive and welcoming communal atmosphere; nobody wants to work out in a hostile environment.

Casual visitors will refuse to patronize a gym where small numbers of daily patrons are allowed to dominate the space and treat it as their own personal workout room. Rigorous cleaning routines and hygienic maintenance will also factor into a gym’s daily operation. Visitors want to exercise with equipment that’s sweat-free and well-built.

Comprehensive Workout Spaces

After addressing those concerns, move to acquire a variety of materials and machines for your gym visitors to use. In the beginning, your visitors’ exercise wants and needs will require habitual study. Starting with a small number of items permits you to later fill in the space with duplicates of the most popular pieces of equipment. It’s far better to design your gym with room to grow than it is to overcommit to the purchase of a large number of products that your users barely use. And exercise trends will change over time. What was popular for a decade might eventually become passé. Engage with your visitors and try to stay on top of what’s appealing to them.

But even though the specifics of the activities might shift, smart gym operators know that it’s imperative to always provide access to multiple types of exercise. School gymnasiums, for example, should include gym wall padding for indoor or winter sports. Fully stocked gyms have at least some equipment for each of the four exercise types: endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility. Strength training is required for most amateur and professional athletes so consider weight areas with equipment like rowing machines and dumbbells. A range of products permits cross-training exercises, a normalized approach by the majority of gym users today. Most exercisers will have one to two favorite activities but appreciate having access to different kinds of equipment in order to help develop a full range of motion and prevent workout boredom from setting in.

Safety & Storage

Divider curtains can be used to visually cordon off space that’s temporarily unintended for use, like if you have a court undergoing repair or cleaning. With the right products, large floor mats that are only needed occasionally for a weekly class can be stowed aside on the ground or even elevated up along the wall. Place padded foal sectioning on walls and corners where you anticipate high-speed impacts to potentially occur, like beneath basketball hoops or along interior race tracks. Include helpful signage designed to attract the attention of the exercisers. They can then participate in helping keep the gym in good working order. Correct improper usage behavior as soon as it’s observed. Good patrons will appreciate learning why an action they’re engaged in could lead to mishaps or equipment breakage.

Finally, don’t let your valuable equipment break down. Create an inspection schedule, draft an examination checklist, and account for equipment repair and replacement in your operating budget.

What Problems Do Organizational Products Prevent?

Fitness facilities face specific issues pertaining to the equipment they make available to their visitors. Some items are burdensome to move and yet might still require habitual replacement as the result of a changing weekly schedule that sees large groups of patrons engaged in specific activities. And leaving these large items out will either look unsightly or potentially inhibit an effective flow of people within your gym.

Conversely, other products used by patrons can be relatively small in size but present in large quantities. These sizable numbers of loose items can be a headache to stow away without dedicated spots to restage them for tomorrow’s customers. Or, even worse, a wayward ball or forgotten jump rope can easily become a tripping hazard that might lead to a costly injury on the grounds of your gym.

Securing the proper amounts and kinds of storage, shelving, racks, and moving equipment for your gym will ultimately save you valuable time and let you focus on more important tasks like employee training, promotional efforts, or bookkeeping.

What Types of Equipment Do We Offer?

If specific sports are played at your venue, it’ll be wise to have dedicated racks for the equipment. Storage specifically designed for the holding of uniquely shaped items like volleyball nets and protective football gear can dramatically accelerate the speed of post-game breakdown and cleanup. And while some organizational products, like ball carts, can be used to hold multiple types of balls, consider whether the gym’s current variety is big enough to warrant having several distinct holders for each sport.

Think also about having some stationary storage points alongside other movable ones. Several carts feature frames with attached wheels which can be advantageous if certain games are only played a few days a week and thus only needing those goods rolled out occasionally.

Find more about the author: Kim Hart

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