Put your knowledge of common playground terms to the test! Don't forget to tell your friends how smart you are. Find more about the author: Kristen Breedlove
What does ADA stand for?
A. Americans with Disabilities Act
B. Act for Disabled Americans
C. Accessibility for Disabled Americans
D. Americans Disabled with Accessibility
A natural playground is made up of natural materials. It creates creative landscapes for play out of natural objects.
What is an example of loose fill surfacing?
A. Sand
B. Rubber mulch
C. Engineered wood mulch
D. All of the above
Monkey bars are another name for an overhead ladder.
What is a protrusion?
A. A type of playground equipment that spins
B. A piece of something that sticks out
C. Another word for a climber
D. A hole in the ground
Playgrounds are designed to be for outdoor use only.
A Certified Playground Safety Inspector is certified to determine the safety level of a playground.
Which of the following is a type of climber?
A. Rope climber
B. Panel climber
C. Net climber
D. All of the above
Who sets the safety guidelines for playground equipment?
A. The Consumer Playground Safety Commission
B. The Caring Playground Safety Commission
C. The Consumer Product Safety Commission
D. The Committee Play Safety Commission
A barrier surrounds an elevated platform to prevent children from falling or trying to climb on the outside of the unit.
What does a border do?
A. It defines the area of play
B. It is used to keep safety surfacing in place
C. Combined with a ramp, a border guides wheelchairs onto the playground
D. All of the above
ASTM International provides international standards for playgrounds.
What does the term age group refer to?
A. Your age group
B. The age range that equipment is designed for
C. Any ages that are playing at the time
D. The age of the kids in school
What is footing?
A. How playground equipment is anchored to the ground
B. How you travel up and down the equipment
C. The bottom level of equipment
D. The ends of monkey bars
An inclusive playground is designed for children of all ages and abilities.
Preschool age children refers to children in the following age range:
A. 1-4 years
B. 3-5 years
C. 2-5 years
D. 2-4 years
School age children refers to children in the following age range:
A. 5-12 years
B. 2-12 years
C. 7-12 years
D. 4-12 years
Toddlers are considered ages 6 months to 23 months.
A tube slide is a slide that is only partially enclosed.